Pull Back NOT Up in High Pulls

At RAW Barbell Club we coach lifters to pull back not up in High Pulls.

A lot of athletes and coaches struggle to see the transfer between pulls and high pulls to the Snatch and Clean. Really it’s often due to execution.

If we look at any Hookgrip video, you will more than likely see the athlete peak the bar at about nipple height. Rarely will the elbows be up, toward the sky. They are usually pulling back, making space so the athlete can pull themselves under.

what does this mean for the athlete then? It means the athlete should practice in pulls, peaking the bar to the ‘right height’ and in the ‘right position’

Try pulling the bar back, at it maximum height rather than just up. You’ll find it more comfortable and a lot easier to translate over to your snatch!

Let us know if this was helpful! Oh and try not to hit yourself in the face..

RAW Quick Tips – Pull Back NOT up

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